
The purpose of the tool is to draw attention to aspects that should be considered when assessing the potential of a given place to establish an urban rail freight hub. The subject of the assessment may be an existing railway siding or not, which can be subject of revitalisation into rail hub.

As an urban freight hub (rail city hub) a small intermodal terminal should be considered, consisting of rail, inner (reloading, warehouse) and city (road) parts. Goods would arrive at the hub by freight trains in form of containers, which would be reloaded and temporarily stored in a warehouse. In the last step, goods would be loaded into road transport vehicles, such as delivery vans, cargo (e-) bikes or other delivery small vehicles and delivered directly to the destination within the city.

The assessment result allows for a preliminary estimate of the potential of a given place. The conclusions of the assessment and the responses provided are generated in the form of a report. If there is interest in further development, individual aspects should be the subject of further analysis.

The tool can be used by planners dealing with urban spatial management, city authorities, people responsible for the development of railway lines, infrastructure managers or managing existing sidings.

The level of detail in the responses provided is the responsibility of the completer, taking into account the purpose of the assessment. Answers to some questions may require the involvement of other people or organisations.

If a given question is inappropriate for the purpose of a given analysis, the answer is not known or the justification is not necessary, you can leave the field blank. You must answer only for the questions marked as significant. The significant questions are scored (by assigned weights multiplied by number of points for chosen answer). The total score for the locations (and results for each significant question) is shown in the report, in the index of all surveys and when you click the "score" button.- this sign indicates a question that is being assessed.

If you want more information about the background, suggested preparation, expected results and how to use Screening Tool, please go to the Learning Platform